This naïve declaration was made real to me during my prolonged stay in Fiji. My faith in GOD was strengthened indeed through the many deep valleys travailed – even though at times it seemed as if i did it on my knees! Yet GOD’s good purpose was accomplished.
Today, i am fortified and enlivened, my faith in GOD, my Father, made solid – built on ROCK. i can say with utmost conviction, "It matters not what GOD does, it matters only Who He Is!” i know in my innermost core that the Creator of the entire universe is indeed my Father, my very own Abba.
How does all this tie in with i’m a Jabez too!?
Because of my core belief that there are NO ACCIDENTS, i recognized immediately the Holy SPIRIT’s engineering when i saw The Prayer of Jabez and the accompanying Devotional at my friend Ann’s house. She gave me the books and that started this “Jabez ball” rolling.
i was in a similar scenario as Jabez was: April 2009, just back from Fiji, grandly rich in CHRIST, but materially destitute by worldly standards. i was all fired up for GOD, yet with no means to channel this uncontainable, irrepressible joy. As i continued to pray and journal, this time seriously committed (for 31 days) to pray in the manner of Jabez -- the Holy SPIRIT moved through me in unmistakable ways. He kept providing encouraging confirmations and the means for me to do my part in the Great Commission. SPIRIT orchestrated, with fervent prayers as my contribution, this exciting GODventure.
From literally nothing on April 12, 2009 (for money was indeed the issue), to today, May 28, 2009 – GOD has blessed me indeed with an operable car, a Toshiba laptop computer, a safe environment for the i’m a Jabez too! Bible study and prayer group, and a blog site to promote it.

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