Monday, July 9, 2018


WHAT IS A CHRISTian? A CHRISTian is a NEW creation of GOD who has RECEIVED of CHRIST and of His FULLNESS, as imparted by the INdwelling Holy SPIRIT. For IT IS WRITTEN (John 1:16), 'For out of His FULLNESS' (the SUPERabundance of HIS Grace and Truth) -- 'we have ALL RECEIVED Grace upon Grace' -- SPIRITual BLESSING upon SPIRITual BLESSING, Favor upon Favor, Gift HEAPED upon Gift, AMAZING Grace upon AMAZING Grace!

WHAT IS A CHRISTian? A CHRISTian is a Child of GOD who is 'BORN AGAIN, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but Of GOD.' For IT IS WRITTEN (1 Corinthians 1:30), 'It is from GOD that you have your Life IN CHRIST JESUS, Whom GOD made our WISDOM from GOD, (revealed to us a knowledge of the Divine Plan of SALVATION previously hidden, manifesting itself as) our RIGHTEOUSNESS (thus making us UPright and putting us in Right Standing with GOD), and our SANCTIFICATION (making us Pure and Holy), and our (complete and full) REDEMPTION' -- our GLORIFICATION -- the entire, perfect, complete Deliverance (from the corruption and pollution of SIN) in our spirit, soul and body.

WHAT IS A CHRISTian? A CHRISTian is UNITED With CHRIST, whose ETERNAL Citizenship is in Heaven, whose UNION With CHRIST guarantees personal GLORIFICATION -- the ULTIMATE Goal of REDEMPTION. For IT IS WRITTEN (Romans 8:30), 'Those whom GOD thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also GLORIFIED (raising them to a HEAVENLY dignity and condition or state of BEing).' 

WHAT IS GLORIFICATION? It is the End, the Terminus, the FINAL Object of REDEMPTION. GLORIFICATION is CHRIST presenting to Himself, after being made ENTIRELY 'Holy and Clean, washed by the cleansing of GOD’s Word' -- a 'GLORIOUS Church (corporately and individually) without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be HOLY and WITHOUT FAULT -- in GLORIOUS splendor!' (see Ephesians 5:26-27) 

GLORIFICATION is the FULFILLment of the Word of GOD (1 Thessalonians 5:23) -- 'May The GOD of Peace Himself SANCTIFY you through and through (separate you from profane things, make you PURE and wholly CONSECRATED to GOD); and may your SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY be preserved sound and COMPLETE (and found) BLAMELESS at the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.'

GLORIFICATION is the mortal made IMmortal at last. The Promise of GOD made REALITY (1 Corinthians 15:53-54) -- 'This PERISHABLE (part of us) must put on the IMPERISHABLE (nature), and this MORTAL (part of us, this nature that is capable of dying) must put on IMMORTALITY (freedom from death). And when this PERISHABLE puts on the IMPERISHABLE and this that was capable of dying puts on FREEDOM from DEATH, then shall be FULFILLED the Scripture that says, DEATH is swallowed up (utterly vanquished forEVER) in and unto VICTORY.'

GLORIFICATION is when The LORD JESUS CHRIST comes again to 'TRANSFORM and fashion aNEW the BODY of our humiliation to CONFORM to and be like the BODY of HIS Glory and Majesty, by exerting that POWER which enables Him even to subject EVERYthing to Himself.' (Philippians 3:21) 'We know that when He comes and is manifested, we shall (as GOD’s Children) RESEMBLE and BE like HIM, for we shall SEE Him just as He (REALLY) IS.' (1 John 3:2)

GLORIFICATION is the Promise of GOD to those IN CHRIST -- those who have put their FAITH in His SON, in His PERFECT Plan of Salvation (CHRIST JESUS' virgin Birth, perfect Life, atoning Death, historical Resurrection and Ascension). GLORIFICATION is the FULL restoration of man's spirit, soul and body to its Original PERFECTION. The whole BEing of man (spirit, soul and body) will be FREE from EVERY taint and EVERY weakness.

IT IS WRITTEN (1 John 3:8), 'The reason The SON of GOD appeared was to DESTROY the WORKS of the devil.' And when The LORD JESUS said on The CROSS, "IT IS FINISHED!" -- ALL that was required by a thrice-Holy GOD as the Redemption Price for our SINs was PAID IN FULL by the BLOOD of CHRIST. And those IN CHRIST have received of CHRIST Himself and of His FULLness by the SUPERnatural working and willing of the Holy SPIRIT, sent of The FATHER and of The SON -- so that IN CHRIST, by GOD's ALL-Mighty GRACE, we are gifted His Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification... GLORIFICATION! A Sinner who has put his/her Faith IN CHRIST alone (TRUSTing in the perfect work of The GOD/Man for complete REDEMPTION) is destined for Eternal GLORIFICATION! HalleluJAH! \o/

Dear reader -- may The SPIRIT of GOD open your Mind and Heart to The TRUTH Himself, The LORD JESUS -- Who will bring you personally to The Giving FATHER, Who will receive you to Himself as His very own child because you have put your TRUST in His SON's atoning DEATH on The CROSS as FULL payment for your SINS. Turn from your SINS with sincere sorrow at rebelling against The ONE Who gave you Life -- and turn to GOD for FULL pardon of ALL your SINS. Then receive of CHRIST and of His FULLness, as imparted to you by The Holy SPIRIT Who will live IN you to grow the LIFE of CHRIST IN you. Commit your Life to GOD's care, align your will to His will by KNOWing Him through His Word by diligent study and meditation -- then enJOY The LORD SPIRIT's sweet Presence as He conforms your inner BEing into the lovely Image of CHRIST JESUS our LORD. HalleluJAH! \o/

(Notes from Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones' exposition on John 1:16, "GLORIFICATION" (
March 14, 2021 -- In TOday's world of suffering -- only by KNOWing The TRUTH Himself -- CHRIST JESUS, Who is The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE and The RESURRECTION -- will SET you FREE from despair. Find out why the CHRISTian can have this REALITY, this HOPE while discouragement, defeat, anxiety, and terror loom around them. The CHRISTian is confident and can set their affections upon PARADISE REGAINED. \o/ (