Tuesday, February 5, 2013

slave of JESUS -- The GODMan (Essay 2)

JESUS is now my Master...and i, His slave. i am a slave of the GODManWHAT a very GREAT privilege it is that i can name The CHRIST my Master!
Master JESUS, though He was GOD...gave up His divine privileges, took the humble position of a Slave and was born as a human being. In His human form, He HUMBLED Himself in OBEDIENCE to GOD and died a criminal's death on a Cross -- in order to REDEEM wretched sinners like me from the slave market of SIN. (Philippians 2:7-8, NLT)

SIN was my OLD master -- i was its slave. i served UNrighteousness and had NO desire for the Righteousness that is Of GOD. My heart of stone was most deceitful and desperately wicked...even i was blind to its badness. As i thought in my heart...so i was.

BUT The MASTER searched for me -- this truly lost, sold-out-to-SIN leprous soul -- this walking dead, who was less than a maggot. JESUS found me, clothed in my filthy rags of SELF-righteousness, worshiping the ME-god, deeply entrenched in the OLD Adamic nature -- carnal to the core. "Totally Depraved" was etched on my forehead; and were it not for the Holy SPIRIT's restraint, i would have been branded, "Totally, Utterly Depraved."

The LORD JESUS delivered me from my SINs. HE rescued me from SIN's slave market -- HE PAID for me. HE REDEEMED me with a Ransom Price of UNfathomable value -- the Shed BLOOD of GOD The SON. THIS GODMan, who lived a perfectly sinless, totally righteous and holy life on earth, DIED IN MY PLACE. HE took upon Himself the filthiness of my SINs and put upon me HIS cleansing Righteousness. AMAZING Great Exchange!

i was a slave to SIN -- TOday, a slave to RIGHTEOUSNESS. i was living in Darkness -- TOday, i am walking in The Light. i was a Child of Wrath -- TOday, i am a Child of GOD. i was destined to Hell -- TOday, i am Heaven bound, a citizen of the Kingdom of GOD. i was a loser, controlled by the lusts of the FLESH -- TOday, i am victorious, an Overcomer by the emPOWERing GRACE of the Holy SPIRIT. i was a prisoner of Satan -- TOday, The TRUTH Himself has set me FREE to choose to be OWNED by JESUS, my Master, my LORD, my GOD.

TOday i boast of Who my Master is and i boast of all He has done for all who are His very OWN. CHRIST JESUS is the greatEST Master, the greatEST Teacher, the greatEST King and LORD. CHRIST JESUS is always faithFUL, never EVER breaks promises -- His Word is ALWAYS Amen! 

JESUS is always patient, He always kind. JESUS does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud. JESUS is not rude, He is not self-seeking, He keeps no record of wrongs. JESUS does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truthJESUS always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. JESUS NEVER FAILS. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

JESUS feeds all who HUNGER spiritually for HE is the TRUE Bread. JESUS satisfies those who THIRST for GOD for HE is the LIVING Water. JESUS leads the narrow Way to green pastures and still waters. JESUS gives UNstintingly the limitless JOYs of HIS heavenly Kingdom. JESUS shares HIS RICH Inheritance from The FATHER to ALL who would RECEIVE His LORDship.

My Master is GOOD -- the ONLY ONE Who IS TRULY GOOD. It's an awesomely amazing, altogether-incredible REALITY to be owned by JESUS, The GODMan! i am awestruck at the utter wonder of it all -- finally realizing, experientially and very personally, the TRUTH of THIS Amazing GRACE that has been gifted to me: GOD GAVE me GOD!

GOD gave me GOD. (John 3:16)

Because i am IN CHRIST -- the GODMan JESUS -- i am chosen, adopted, predestined as a daughter of GOD's Family; redeemed and forgiven of ALL my sins; graced with ABUNDANT Grace -- blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. PRAISE BE TO GOD, i am one of the called out ones and will be part of those gathered together IN CHRIST. (Ephesians 1)

What a GLORIOUS Calling to be a slave of CHRIST JESUS!  A slave who is a Friend of GOD. A slave who is a Child of GOD. A slave who is an Heir with CHRIST. A slave who calls GOD, "Abba" -- FATHER. WHAT a GRAND Privilege indeed! HALLELUJAH...AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. NON-CHRISTian versus CHRISTian:

    (1) "Those who live for themselves" and "Those who live for Christ"; or
    (2) "Those who seek their own" and "Those who seek the things of Christ" or
    (3) "Those who seek earthly things first" and "Those who seek the kingdom of God first"; or
    (4) "Those who love money" and "Those who love God". (Jesus said it was impossible to love both -Lk.16:13)

    Quote from ZAC POONEN @
