Friday, June 29, 2012


Naselesele Village Primary School's theme for Blue Ribbon Week -- Fiji's Fight Against Drugs and Child Abuse is:  KEEP Me SAFE From ABUSE To SHINE = The BEST!

To shine the best – one must not conform or compromise to the world’s satanic standards, which are anti-CHRIST – against the infallible wisdom of CHRIST JESUS, the Son of our FatherGOD.
To keep our children safe from abuse – saturate the home with godliness, enriching their minds with GOD’s Word and exemplifying in our daily lives the utterly powerful meekness and humility of CHRIST.

Teach our children to imitate JESUS, for He is the BEST example of self-emptying obedience, almighty gentleness, supernatural wisdom, incomprehensible love, holy righteousness.

If you would have your children truly succeed – not so much according to the world’s self-glorifying measure of success, but true success in GOD’s eyes – then teach them of the Person of CHRIST, for who else is the superlative Teacher in all the world, for all time?
JESUS is THE ANSWER to ALL problems!
Who, but JESUS only, pleases FatherGOD in all ways, always?  Who but JESUS shines the brightest Light, far eclipsing the blinding sun?  Who but JESUS demonstrated the most tender and most generous outpouring of sacrificial love?  Who but JESUS – sinless and blameless – can teach our children true wisdom to win the fight against drugs and child abuse?

Only JESUS, the Master Teacher, Who personifies incomparable infinite Intelligence, Who knows the all in all – only CHRIST JESUS can empower our children to shine their personal best!

As written in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

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