Thursday, February 13, 2025

The SPIRITual Outlook

HOW may a person KNOW whether The Holy SPIRIT is leading the Born-Again CHRISTian? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones supplies RELEVANT Guidance on this VITAL question. He says The Holy SPIRIT Who INdwells the BLOOD-Bought Believer LEADS him or her to a total NEW Outlook on Life -- a SPIRITual Outlook

WHAT is this NEW SPIRITual Outlook? It is that SPIRITual people, the Twice-Born of GOD, enjoy SPIRITual things and Fellowship with other CHRISTians. These who are LED by The SPIRIT desire to live for GOD's GLORY -- for this is the CHIEF end of man.

IF you have a SPIRITual Outlook, you'll have a deepening DESIRE for greater KNOWledge of GOD and CHRIST. This is actualized by reading the HOLY Scriptures, Prayer and longing for Holiness. You'll have a deepening concern over your lack of LOVE for GOD. The Holy SPIRIT leads you to this concern. You'll have an INcreasing awareness of your SINs. The SPIRIT withIN illuminates SIN in your life. Then your REaction to SIN is one of GRIEF over offending GOD's LOVE -- not just breaking rules. You'll experience personal "godly sorrow."

Having a SPIRITual Outlook, we'll experience an INcreasing SENSITIVITY to SIN and TEMPTATION. We'll become MORE watchful. We'll desire and long for more actual RIGHTEOUSness and HOLINESS withIN. We'll hunger and thirst for them. We'll take action to MORTIFY the deeds of the body. We'll AVOID SINful influences and provision for SIN.

Dr Lloyd-Jones encourages Believers to honestly examine their FAITH: whether they are truly SPIRITually ALIVE, with the NEW Life IN CHRIST -- or whether STILL spiritually DEAD, with the OLD Life ruled by SIN, SELF, Satan and his World System. Do you, as a professing CHRISTian, desire first and foremost GOD’s GLORY? 

Do you LOVE the Redeemed of GOD? Do you HATE SIN? Do you actively mortify the deeds of your own Flesh? For the REgenerated Children of GOD -- the INdwelling Holy SPIRIT always LEADS to personal Holiness for the GLORY of The FATHER and The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

May GOD use this sermon on Romans 8:14 by Dr Lloyd-Jones, to provide you with the sweet EVERlasting JOY of ASSURANCE of your Salvation -- ETERNAL Life IS by the GRACE of GOD alone, through FAITH alone, IN CHRIST alone. May The SPIRIT withIN conform us INto more and More and MORE CHRISTlikeness as HE acts upon our Mind, Heart and Will. AMEN!

The SPIRIT and the Bride say -- MARANATHA... "COME, LORD JESUS!" (Revelation 22:17) HalleluYAH! \o/

(This blog was created from my notes from Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones' sermon on Romans 8:14, description and breakdown)

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