Friday, December 22, 2023

GOD's Amazing CHRISTmas GIFT of GRACE!

WHAT is "AMAZING"? THAT which is Mind-Blowing; THAT which BOGGLES man's FINITE mindset; THAT which is SOOO out of THIS world's ideologies and philosophies that it's INconceivable, INcomprehensible, INexpressible to the spiritually DEAD, the idolatrous IGNORAMUS, the wretched BLIND and LOST soul! (see 1 Corinthians 2:12-16)

WHAT is TRULY, ACTUALLY, REALLY amazing? The GRACE of GOD -- His NEW Covenant of GRACE; His UNmerited Favor and UNdeserved Mercy towards UNdeserving, UNgodly, UNrighteous SIN-natured, SIN-doers like you and me, ALL who are deserving ONLY of GOD's JUST Condemnation and RIGHTeous JUDGment INto EVERlasting HELL! (see Ephesians 2:1-9)

WHAT IS GOD's Amazing GRACE? That GOD Himself, full of GRACE and TRUTH, left His Heavenly GLORY and came into this SIN-corrupted earth. That THE INfinite OMNIpotent, OMNIscient, OMNIpresent GOD of Creation was SUPERnaturally INcarnated in a virgin's womb by the miraculous work of GOD The Holy SPIRIT. (see John 1:1-5,14)

THIS.. IS AMAZING GRACE! That THE ALL-Mighty ONE became helpless, THE ALL-Sufficient ONE became dependent, THE INfinite LORD of GLORY became FINITE flesh. That THE CHRIST, THE Anointed SON of GOD, utterly humbled Himself to become THE SON of Man JESUS to fully accomplish the REDEMPTION of sinners like you and me, from SIN, Satan, SELF -- to SAVE us from the actual, very REAL, experiential EVERlasting HELL -- by dying on Calvary's CROSS to pay IN-FULL the required BLOOD-Price for every REPENTANT SOUL. That by GOD's GRACE alone, through FAITH alone, IN CHRIST alone -- the quickened-ALIVE IMmortal SOUL may be SAVED from the EVERlasting HELL that is ETERNAL Separation from GOD; and SO THAT we 2xborn of GOD may enter freely INto GOD's heavenly Kingdom of GLORY! (see Philippians 2:6-11; 1 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 2:8-9)

CHRIST JESUS, Truly GOD and Truly Man, THE GOD-MAN, IS THE SUPERlative GIFT of CHRISTmas -- GOD's ULTIMATE, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, out-of-THIS-world (literally!) GIFT of GRACE -- The LORD of GLORY, The PRINCE of Peace, The LAMB of GOD Himself! AMAZZZING GRACE inDEED -- GOD GAVE GOD! \o/ (Isaiah 9:6, 53:1-12)

May you personally experience THE ultimate GIFT-exchange this very CHRISTmas -- JESUS' own perfect Righteousness, for your own total SINfulness. CHRIST's own Resurrection LIFE, for your own HELL-bound life. TRUE Peace WITH GOD through The PRINCE of Peace Himself, for your rebellious Enmity with GOD. EVERlasting LOVE-Relationship with The ONE TRUE Living TRIune SOVEREIGN Creator Who created you -- in exchange of JUDGMENT, Condemnation, and the WRATH of GOD. TOday, may you humbly receive GOD's amazing CHRISTmas Gift of GRACE -- The LORD JESUS Himself! AMEN. \o/

1 comment:

  1. Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches about the GREATest event of HIStory... the FACTual birth of GOD's Beloved ONE and ONLY Begotten SON CHRIST JESUS Himself, The LORD of GL0RY! HE IS THE ULTIMATE, SUPERlative CHRISTmas GIFT. GOD The SON is GOD The FATHER's Amazing GIFT of GRACE! HalleluYAH! \o/ (
