Saturday, May 20, 2023


The SECOND greatest LIE ever told is that there are MANY ways to get into Heaven. But GOD The SON -- CHRIST JESUS Himself -- proclaimed that HE Himself is the ONLY Way to Heaven. HE Himself said: "I AM The (ONLY) WAY (to GOD) and The (REAL) TRUTH and The (REAL) LIFE. NO one comes to The FATHER except THROUGH Me" (John 14:6, AMP). The LORD JESUS Himself is The DOOR, The GATE (see John 10:7,9) -- the ONLY Entrance to Eternal LIFE INto HIS heavenly Kingdom.

ALL other religions have in their teachings Salvation by "good" works. Muhammadans, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, Hindus, Mormons, Sikhs, Jews, Jehovah Witnesses have to do MUCH good works to offset their MUCH bad works from a lifetime of SINs. Man-made religions TRUST in their SELF-effort, in keeping the countless requirements of their religion and traditions, hoping but NEVER knowing if they've done ENOUGH good works to tip that great weighing scale in their favor on the Day of JUDGMENT.

Can ANY person truly, actually DO enough GOD-pleasing good works to offset his/her countless SINs committed during his life (from childhood to adulthood) -- his numerous SINs of UNrighteous, UNgodly THOUGHTS, WORDS, DEEDS? In REALity -- NONE has EVER lived a PERFECT godly and righteous life (see Romans 3:10-18). The GOD-Man CHRIST JESUS Himself is THE one and only exception to this universal FACT. For SIN-natured SIN-doers WILL continue to choose to pile up SIN after SIN after SIN in their Life-101. HOW MUCH good works will ATONE for ALL these SINs? HOW MUCH good is GOOD ENOUGH to gain entrance INto GOD's heavenly Kingdom?

The GREATest LIE EVER told -- and STILL being told TOday -- is this: "I am a GOOD person. Because I am GOOD, I will go to Heaven when I die." The SELF-deceived soul is STILL part of the "Walking DEAD" -- destined to EVERlasting destruction in HELL. The person who BELIEVES in his/her OWN goodness is IGNORANT of Who GOD IS -- His INfinite HOLINESS, Righteous JUSTICE, IMmutable CHARACTER, Sovereign LORDship over ALL Creation (Visible and INvisible).

The UNbelieving sinner is IGNORANT of GOD's utterly HOLY Standard of entrance INto HIS heavenly Kingdom. The SIN-natured SIN-doer is IGNORANT of the depth of his own SINfulness -- of his own SIN-FULL thoughts, SIN-FULL affections, SIN-FULL motives. He indulges in SELF-deception, believing that he has obeyed GOD's Ten Commandments -- believing that his OUTward actions of "goodness" are acceptable in GOD's most HOLY Sight. BUT because GOD sees and thoroughly KNOWs the very HEART and MINDset of EVERY man, that man's "good" works are but FILTHY rags to GOD's utterly PURE Sight (see Isaiah 54:6).

To enter INto GOD's PERFECT Kingdom -- you MUST be 100% PERFECT. To go to Heaven, you MUST be PERFECT in thought, word, action... PERFECT from birth to death... PERFECT in EVERY way, during EVERY second, in EVERY thought, word, act of your ENTIRE lifetime. To gain entrance INto GOD's PERFECT heavenly Paradise -- you also MUST be TRULY, WHOLLY PERFECT in your own holiness (see Leviticus 11:45).

IMPOSSIBLE indeed! BUT with GOD -- ALL things are possible (see Matthew 19:26)! GOD The SON lived INwardly and OUTwardly ALL of GOD The FATHER's HOLY Standard of PERFECTion for LIFE in Heaven. The SON of GOD obeyed ALL of GOD's Requirements for PERFECT Holiness. CHRIST JESUS alone was THE Perfect ONE -- in ALL His thoughts, words, actions. From His incarnation (by earthly birth through the virgin Mary) to His SACRIFICIAL Death on Calvary's CROSS -- He NEVER sinned. The LORD JESUS Himself, Who is The GOD-Man (truly GOD, truly Man), fulfilled ALL that GOD required of Him as The FATHER's Sacrificial LAMB to ATONE, PAY IN FULL, the JUST punishment (for SIN) and JUST penalty (of Death) for ALL sinners who REPENT of their SINs, BELIEVE IN the PERFECT Person and the accomplished Work of The LORD JESUS -- TRUSTing in JESUS' HIStorical DEATH and Burial, RESURRECTION and Ascension back INto The GLORY with GOD The FATHER (see 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

When you TRUST in JESUS' atoning Death for GOD's forgiveness of ALL your SINs and you TURN from your lifestyle of SIN and turn to GOD The SON as LORD of your NEW life -- the PERFECT Righteousness of The SON of GOD is imputed (legally put on your account) to you, positionally making you wholly RIGHTeous, AS IF you've NEVER EVER sinned! For your SINs were imputed to CHRIST at the Cross of DEATH, where JESUS was punished to Death for your SINs. By your sincere, genuine FAITH IN CHRIST -- your are totally FORGIVEN of ALL your SINs (Acts 2:38), made a NEW creation altogether (2 Corinthians 5:17), ADOPTED into GOD's Eternal FAMILY as His very own child (Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:15), enABLEd SUPERnaturally by The Holy SPIRIT's INdwelling, to LOVE and OBEY and SERVE as a living sacrifice The ONE TRUE Living GOD (Romans 12:1).

By FAITH alone, IN CHRIST alone -- is THAT which is GOOD ENOUGH to satisfy GOD's Wrath and Condemnation against the SIN-natured SIN-doer who has rebelled against Him by making SELF his own god rather than acknowledging GOD AS GOD --The ONE TRUE Living TRIune Sovereign GOD Who has revealed Himself in The Holy SCRIPTURES.

SO -- for those who are tired of trying to be good enough, who are weary of the burdensome do's and don'ts of man-made religions, who are in need of TRUE REST in heart and REAL PEACE of mind -- receive The LORD JESUS' gracious invitation: "COME to Me... I WILL give you REST. IN Me -- you WILL find REST for your souls" (see Matthew 11:28-30). The Risen LORD JESUS, The MESSIAH sent of GOD The FATHER -- is your ONLY Way to GOD's Heaven, your ONLY REALity of ultimate PERFECTion, your ONLY Life of REAL PEACE with GOD forEVERmore.

For by the Amazing GRACE of GOD alone, through GOD's gift of FAITH alone, IN CHRIST alone are you made perfectly GOOD for the SUPERlative Privilege of living forEVERmore in The GLORY of GOD's Heaven. HalleluYAH!

The 2xborn IN CHRIST -- 'were by nature children under wrath as the others were also. BUT GOD, Who is RICH in Mercy, because of His great LOVE that He had for us, made us ALIVE with The MESSIAH even though we were DEAD in trespasses. You are SAVED by GRACE! Together with CHRIST JESUS He also raised us up and seated us in the Heavens, so that in the coming ages He might display the IMmeasurable riches of His GRACE through His Kindness to us IN CHRIST JESUS. For you are SAVED by GRACE through FAITH, and this is not from yourselves; it is GOD’s Gift—not from works, so that NO one can boast. For we are HIS creation, created IN CHRIST JESUS for GOOD works, which GOD prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them' (Ephesians 2:3-10). \o/

'IF anyone is IN CHRIST, he is a NEW creation; old things have passed away, and look, NEW things have come' (2 Corinthians 5:17). HalleluYAH! \o/

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