Saturday, April 13, 2013

LETTER To My Lovely Daughter And Sister IN CHRIST

When i think of the Wisdom and scope of GOD's Plan, i fall to my knees and pray to The FATHER -- our Heavenly ABBA... PAPA -- The CREATOR of EVERYthing in Heaven and on earth. i pray that from HIS glorious, UNlimited resources HE will give you, my lovely daughter Maia Villanueva Jones, ALL-Mighty INNER Strength through His Holy SPIRIT. i pray that CHRIST JESUS will be more and MORE at home in your Heart AS you TRUST in HIM alone. May your roots go down deep into the soil of GOD's Marvelous LOVE.

 may you, sweet Maia, have the POWER to understand, as all GOD's people should, how WIDE, how LONG, how HIGH, and how DEEP HIS LOVE for you REALLY is. May you TRULY experience the LOVE of CHRIST, though it is SO GREAT you will never fully understand it. Then you will be FILLED with the FULLness of LIFE and POWER that comes from GOD -- our Heavenly ABBA.

Now to HIM Who is ABLE to DO EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL that you ask or think, according to the POWER that works IN us, to HIM be GLORY in the Church by CHRIST JESUS to all generations, forEVER and EVER. AMEN! 

(Ephesians 3:14-21)

May you, child of GOD that you are, remember that our Heavenly Almighty ABBA is good in ALL ways ALWAYS, so that -- "IT MATTERS NOT WHAT GOD DOES, IT MATTERS ONLY WHO HE IS." (Oswald Chambers)
(Poem from brother Zac Poonen --
CHRISTian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India)
May you remember that when you see our LORD JESUS with the opened eyes of your Heart, you will also see our Almighty FATHER -- that when you are IN CHRIST, you are also IN GOD The FATHER.

May you remember how HUMBLE and MEEK and GENTLE was our LORD JESUS when He lived on this earth. Our LORD never once uttered an UNkind word nor was He EVER rude nor did He EVER reject any person who sought Him with a HUMBLE Heart.
May we both remember how SO very far down JESUS -- GOD The SON -- came from His heavenly Kingdom to SERVE us, in TOTAL OBEDIENCE to our FATHER's will...even to DEATH on The CROSS.  May we also realize that we are BUT dust without the Life of CHRIST in us, that we would STILL be "DEAD (wo)man WALKING" without His Gift of SALVATION, that IN us (in our Flesh) there is NO good thing -- NOthing at all...other than what GOOD The Holy SPIRIT works IN, for us to work OUT.

EVERY thing OUTside of CHRIST JESUS is rubbish...filthy rags...dung!
Don't just be fear LESS...
fear NOthing -- BUT GOD!

And if you forget all of momma's words, just remember John 17:23 -- our Almighty ABBA in Heaven LOVES you AS MUCH as HE LOVES JESUS! i LOVE you, Maia, but our Heavenly PAPA LOVES you SO MUCH MORE -- a GAZILLION times MORE!

LIFE is short! If our FATHER calls me Home before He calls you, don't forget to read my EULOGY. MAKE YOUR LIFE COUNT -- FOR JESUS!