Assembly of GOD church, located in New Town (Matei area), Taveuni -- Fiji -- where i've found genuine fellowship with brothers and sisters IN CHRIST.

Pastor Pauliasi is a man of GOD who preaches the full Gospel -- the Good News of JESUS CHRIST. His impassioned sermons (partly in English so that the Indians and
kavalagis like me can understand his message) touch our hearts, nourishing our souls with the True Bread -- the Word, which is JESUS Himself. Pastor Pauliasi magnifies JESUS in
all his messages -- GOD's doctrines clearly preached, but always pointing to JESUS as the Author and Finisher of our faith.

The simple church building (to the right) built after Cyclone Tomas, and the pastor's house and kitchen to the left. This is indeed a very small church compared to the mega-churches in the United States, but the congregation's heart for worship is very real and very BIG. i believe JESUS of Nazareth would feel at home in this church, small and simple though it may be. The Holy SPIRIT, Him who raised JESUS from the grave, moves powerfully in us as we offer Him praise and worship in heartfelt songs and prayers.

Pastor Pauliasi's pineapples... The pastor planted, but GOD grows for the harvest.

Pastor's wife,
Radini Selina, pickling homegrown chilis. Home-made vinegar to the left...
Radini Selina's floral arrangement from the flowers she plucked from her own garden.

Our simple lunch... even inside the church -- picnic style.
i feel so at home in this church because of our genuine fellowship, reminiscent of the fellowship i also enjoy at Ocean View Church in San Diego (California). The mixed congregation of Fijian and Indian descent is a blessing to me, reminding me again of OVC where all colors worship as one.
In this, GOD has answered my prayer for fellowship with brothers and sisters IN CHRIST in Fiji, as well as a church that truly magnifies and preaches JESUS as precious and above all names.
The Church is the Body of CHRIST, and each individual follower and lover of JESUS constitutes a member (part) of His Body, which He is the Head. (Ephesians 5)
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in CHRIST JESUS. (Galatians 3:28)
There is one body and one SPIRIT, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one LORD, one faith, one baptism; one GOD and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)
So glad to hear that our LORD has blessed you with such a wonderful faith family! Miss your smiling face my sista-friend! May the LORD continue to use you and bless you as you surrender to the call he has placed on your life! Love ya =}
ReplyDeleteBula, Carleene! Pastor Pauliasi passionately preaches our LORD JESUS with Holy SPIRIT power, magnifying Him through each and every message. And i'm also being fired up by Francis Chan's "CRAZY LOVE." Living our lives worthy of the Gospel of CHRIST is the NORMAL life for the lover of GOD.