When we are hurting, whether physically, emotionally or mentally, we are challenged to exhibit our better nature... and almost always, we fail. Because we are focused on our own pain -- our mouth will usually express our "old man" nature -- with thoughtless expletives... with unkind, ungentle, unworthy words. (For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45b)
JESUS -- during His excruciating agony on the Cross -- did not sin. Not one word of unkindness or unworthiness came out of His mouth. Because JESUS was sinless, righteous through and through, Who was not tainted with man's "old man" nature, but characterized with His Father's own nature -- perfect holiness -- everything that came out of His mouth during his ultimate suffering was perfect and good.
JESUS -- as He experienced unbelievable pain -- the crown of thorns digging into His head, the gaping lacerations from the cruel scourging screaming intolerable agony as His body dragged on the rugged beam when He raised Himself up to gasp for breath, the bloody pierced hands and feet afire with indescribable pain...
JESUS -- Son of Man -- never uttered blasphemy. He did not curse His killers. He never complained. He did not blame GOD. He never sinned. CHRIST, GOD the Son, died sinless -- leaving us an example in His dying to follow in our living.
CHRIST left us seven sayings before He died on the Cross. With these seven last words of JESUS, we can follow His example of dying so that we may live, pleasing GOD, our Father in Heaven. (Below is a summary of John MacArthur's sermon on JESUS' Death Shows Us How To Live... illustrated with My Backyard tomatoes.)
And as followers of CHRIST, we must also forgive all who have personally hurt us, however great or small the pain inflicted upon us -- 70 x 7 (Matthew 18:21-22)... for if the Master, Kurios, forgave even those who murdered Him, so must His doulos -- His slaves -- also forgive all.
It was no accident that there were two sinners crucified with JESUS -- one to enter into paradise, the other into hell. The repentant thief recognized JESUS as sinless and undeserving the verdict of death. The unrepentant sinner continued to blaspheme JESUS. The repentant sinner acknowledged that JESUS was King and that He will rule in His Kingdom, for he said, "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom." (Luke 23:42) The penitent believed that JESUS will be resurrected, for a dead king cannot come into his kingdom -- but a resurrected King can.
And CHRIST, ever set on His mission to save the lost, even in His dying, was mindful to include this lost man... the repentant thief. Those who are CHRIST's own must also be zealous about reaching the lost -- no matter if rejected, mocked, or even persecuted. If JESUS is our LORD, we must do as He exemplified -- showing others the Door to eternal paradise.
That's our example when we are going through our own trials and life's challenges. To not be so inwardly focused on our own problems, on our own personal needs, that we forget to help those who may be in worse shape. And even if they are not in a place of suffering as much as we believe we are -- helping others, focusing on others' needs is the Way that has been set for us to follow. If we are truly GOD's children, then we will love our brothers and sisters In CHRIST as much as we love ourselves.
John MacArthur aptly puts it, "Sin could do what nothing else in the universe could do. Men could not separate the Father from the Son...demons could not separate the Father from the Son...satan could not separate the Father from the Son...but sin separated the Father from the Son. It is the most devastating reality in the universe for it separates from GOD. And He experienced it... He who was in the Father and the Father in Him, He who was one with the Father and the Father one with Him, He who had enjoyed eternally uninterrupted perfect communion within the trinity is now forsaken by GOD. Why? Because He's bearing sin and sin separates. GOD is too holy to look on sin, to pure to behold iniquity, says the prophet Habakkuk. Sin alienates from GOD."
GOD's abandonment of JESUS teaches us that our sin separates us from intimate fellowship with GOD.
The life JESUS lived was exemplary -- He was the Master at living, and we are His students. But even in His death, JESUS gave us an example on how to live. At His most excruciating agony, He exemplified the Way to live -- to live forgiving others; to live sharing the Truth that leads to Heaven; to live doing more for others' well-being than one's own; to live knowing the destructive consequence of sin; to live humbly accepting our human frailties; to live with the single-minded focus of finishing the work GOD has purposed for us to do; and to live fully trusting and committing our lives in the hands of our almighty and ever-faithful Father -- GOD in Heaven.
Live as JESUS died...
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