1 Continue sowing good seeds... little ones... biG ones... with a loving heart. Trust that GOD will grow them all. "Obey GOD and leave all the consequences to Him." (Pastor Charles Stanley).
So is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)
2 Praise GOD for every thread He weaves in my Life 101
tapestry. It's all part of His creative design and ultimate purpose of making me CHRIST-like.
For GOD created my inmost being; He knit me together in my mother's womb. i praise Him because i am fearfully and wonderfully made; His works are wonderful, i know that full well. My frame was not hidden from Him when i was made in the secret place. When i was woven together in the depths of the earth, His eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13-16)
3 Respect and love all children...
every single child is a gift from GOD.
4 Remain in the VINE... for every branch that does not bear fruit is cut down and gathered for the fire. GOD prunes the fruit bearing branch so that it may produce even more... so be glad for the pruning, even if hurts! (John 15)
5 Don't judge -- everyone ripens in due season, according to GOD's process. Only GOD can rightfully judge for He is the only One Who is able to see the whole picture and all the inner motives.
For with what judgment i judge, i will be judged; and with the measure i use, it will be measured back to me. (Matthew 7:2)
6 Be a ready vessel ... to be placed anywhere, anytime ... to be used anyhow by the
Master Potter, as He so desires.
As the clay in the Potter's hand, so am i in His hand. (Jeremiah 18:6b) Don't criticize or complain about the work He wants to do through me -- He Who has started a good work in me will finish it! Just keep cooperating, gladly waving the white flag of surrender daily.
7 Rejoice...be thankful for all things -- for every thing, every event, is by GOD's perfect design and under His ultimate control.
i know that GOD causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) NO thing is beyond His almighty righteous right arm Nothing is impossible with GOD.
i know that GOD can do all things; no plan of His can be thwarted. (Job 42:2) My peace is knowing that GOD truly is in control.
i know for certain that these reSOLUTIONs will become my Actuality for it's already my Reality that i am a child of GOD, indwelled and filled by SPIRIT. i myself cannot
do anything of lasting value, nor can i continually do the good things GOD wants me to do. It is by the power of the Holy SPIRIT abiding within Who does the good works through me.
Not by might nor by power, but by My SPIRIT, says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6) i am confident that these reSOLUTIONs are "done deals" for these are within the will of GOD, are Scriptural, and because JESUS has promised to His followers that
anything we ask in His name, believing that we will receive --
will receive what we ask of Him, when these desires are aligned to His will and ultimate purpose -- to conform us to His likeness. CHRIST is Faithful and True -- whatever He sets His mind on, it
will be done -- just like He finished His sacrificial work on the cross at Calvary,
so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16b)
2010 is but the continuance of the above Life 101 Solutions -- hence the
s. GOD is not finished with me yet!
Hey thanks for the comment on my blog!
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays!
And best wishes for 2010!
Thanks for the inspiration. I love you Rln, keep on keeping on.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteme, too, Kathy :D
ReplyDeleteWell, what are your solutions for 2010? What additional burden has GOD put in your heart for the fresh and new year?
hei Rin, your messeges are powerful and fulfilling.Your images are very strong appealing to my emotions.
Thanks, Dithuynia. You're doing a great job with giving us a very inviting look at Botswana... if i had extra money, i'd fly there and look you up...and all the wonderful countryside and animals!