GOD's Rest is when i am right with GOD (through obedience to His Voice -- the Holy SPIRIT; His Word -- the Holy Scriptures; and the Word Himself -- CHRIST JESUS)... in all humility, yielding to
all He wills -- surrendering
all my dreams and desires,
all my plans,
all my preferences,
all my expectations of how things should be,
all my rights to who, what and how i want to be.
GOD's Rest is relaxing expectantly in the passenger seat and allowing CHRIST, by the Holy SPIRIT's engineering, to bring me to each new "road trip" of His making. All daily destinations are
GODventurez. The journey from point A to point B (the process of sanctification) is
allways in the delightful company of my Lord JESUS, my Constant Companion. In His company is fullness of joy, unsurpassed peace, and complete ease amidst the sometimes seeming whirlwind activity of accomplishing our Father's will.
GOD's Rest is recognizing that GOD, by His SPIRIT abiding in me and i abiding in Him, does
all the work supernaturally. i am but the willing instrument that He wields to accomplish what it is that He desires to accomplish through me. When i submit my bodyheart&soul to His perfect and loving will, not only does He answer my earnest desire to make a difference in this lifetime, but He reveals to me Himself, my Beloved Lord.
GOD's Rest is mine when i am spontaneously surrendered, unconsciously unbound, and carefully carefree. i am in
GOD's rest when i am being the child of GOD that i already am.
GOD's Rest is supernatural -- a gift of grace from GOD.
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