Saturday, March 1, 2025

'SALVATION IS Of GOD' -- Commentary by C.H. Spurgeon

"SALVATION IS the Work of GOD. It is HE alone Who QUICKENS (makes spiritually ALIVE) the Soul 'DEAD in Trespasses and SINs' (Ephesians 2:1), and it is HE also Who maintains the Soul in its SPIRITual LIFE. HE IS both 'ALPHA and OMEGA' (Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13).

"'SALVATION IS Of The LORD' (Jonah 2:9). IF i am prayerful, GOD makes me prayerful; IF i have GRACEs, they are GOD's Gifts to me; IF i hold on in a consistent Life, it is because HE upholds me with HIS Hand. i do NOthing whatever towards my own preservation, EXCEPT what GOD Himself first does IN me. 

"WHATever i have, ALL my goodness IS Of The LORD alone. Wherein i SIN, that is my OWN -- BUT wherein i act rightly, that IS Of GOD, wholly and completely. IF i have repulsed a spiritual enemy, The LORD's Strength nerved my arm. Do i live before men a consecrated LIFE? It is NOT i -- BUT CHRIST Who lives IN me (see Galatians 2:20). 

"Am i SANCTIFIED? i did NOT cleanse myself: GOD's Holy SPIRIT sanctifies me. Am i weaned from the World? i am weaned by GOD's Chastisements -- SANCTIFIED to my GOOD. Do i GROW in Knowledge? The Great INSTRUCTOR teaches me. 

"i find IN GOD ALL that i want -- BUT i find IN mySELF NOthing but SIN and Misery. 'HE only is my ROCK and my SALVATION' (Psalm 62:2). Do i feed on the Word? THAT Word would be NO food for me unless The LORD made it food for my Soul, and helped me to feed upon it. Do i live on the Manna which comes down from Heaven? WHAT IS that Manna but CHRIST JESUS Himself INCARNATE, Whose BODY and Whose BLOOD i eat and drink? (see John 6:53-58)

"Am i continually receiving fresh INCREASE of Strength? WHERE do i gather my MIGHT? My HELP comes from HEAVEN's Hills (see Psalm 121:1-2): without JESUS -- i can do NOthing. AS a branch cannot bring forth Fruit except it abide in The VINE, no more can i -- EXCEPT i abide IN Him (see John 15:5)." 

(The above commentary is from C.H. Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" -- 2/26/a.m.)

WHAT Jonah learned in the Great Deep, LET me learn also and NEVER forget: ALL of SALVATION IS OF The LORD -- The ONE TRUE Living TRIune Sovereign Creator-GOD. By the GRACE of GOD alone, through FAITH alone, IN JESUS CHRIST alone -- i have been quickened-ALIVE by The Holy SPIRIT, made an EVERlasting Citizen of GOD's Heavenly KINGDOM of GLORY, and a beloved Member of GOD's Eternal FAMILY. HalleluYAH! \o/