Sunday, May 30, 2021

HIS Story is my story

HIS Story is historical FACT. HIS Story is FULL of GRACE and TRUTH. HIS Story is The EVERlasting GOOD News of REDEMPTION by the GRACE of The ONE TRUE LIVING GOD -- The FATHER, The SON, and The Holy SPIRIT -- THE Source and Fount of ALL Eternal GLORY.

HIS Story is the REALITY i am utterly privileged and JOYfully obligated to fearlessly proclaim: HE IS Himself 'The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE.' No one can even approach GOD The FATHER of GLORY but by HIM -- The LORD of GLORY. HE IS Himself The PATH to Eternal GLORY, Himself The REALITY EVERlasting, Himself The RESURRECTED CHRIST of GOD -- The LORD and The SAVIOR of Creation, of SIN-natured, sin-DOers -- like me.

HIS Story is my own personal LIFE-story. To me, 'TO LIVE IS CHRIST -- TO DIE IS (exceedingly rich, UNspeakable) GAIN!' i KNOW without ANY shadow of doubt that GOD IN CHRIST caused and continue to cause ALL things, ALL circumstances, ALL relationships -- whether good or evil -- to work together for my personal GOOD because i love HIM Who first LOVED me, Who CALLED me by name according to HIS Plan which HE Purposed IN CHRIST even before HE began Time and created the visible and INvisible realms of HIS Universe.

BECAUSE of HIM Who has lavished His INcomparable LOVE and Boundless GRACE upon me; BECAUSE of HIM Who gave up His LIFE for me; BECAUSE of HIM Who quickened me ALIVE to NEWness of LIFE IN CHRIST -- i am compelled by GOD's overwhelming LOVE to speak IN spirit and IN TRUTH about The GLORY of the GRACE of GOD, as demonstrated by The GLORY of HIS SALVATION THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST, as made REALity for ALL Born-Again Believers and Followers IN CHRIST by The GLORY of the SUPERnatural RESURRECTION POWER of The Holy SPIRIT.

The HIStory of CHRIST JESUS my GOD and Master, The LORD of GLORY Who bought (PAID-IN-FULL) my ETERNAL soul with His own BLOOD -- is my personal GOOD News to proclaim, The HIStory in which i am not ashamed, The HIStory in which i make my only boast. For by the GRACE of GOD alone -- i am what i am... IN CHRIST JESUS -- united with HIM in The GLORY -- forEVERmore! \o/