IN CHRIST JESUS 'was Life and the POWER to bestow Life and the Life was The LIGHT of men. And The LIGHT shines on in the Darkness, and the Darkness did NOT understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it or overtake it and is UNreceptive to it' (John 1:4-5, AMP)
People withOUT CHRIST are STILL in Darkness -- STILL in their NATURAL state of being SIN-natured SIN-doers who are alienated, separated from the LIFE of GOD, and UNable to pursue what is good and right in GOD's HOLY Sight. But the chosen People of GOD have CHRIST withIN and have been GRACEd with SPIRITual sight to see -- to understand, to know The TRUTH, Who is Himself The LIGHT of the world. The elect People IN CHRIST see the Light of TRUTH and are partakers in The Divine LIFE. (read 2 Peter 1:4)
"The effects of the FALL of Adam and Eve extend to EVERY aspect of Humanity. It corrupts the Mind, hardens the Heart, distorts the Will... we NEED a NEW Heart and Mind that is freed from the mastery of SIN and its domination" (see sermon description of "Darkness and Light" by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones,
The GOOD News is that Repentant SIN-natured SIN-doers may receive FREEDOM from the penalty and punishment of their SINs through the Gospel of GRACE and the SOVEREIGN working of The Holy SPIRIT. The SPIRIT of GOD quickens ALIVE those who are withOUT CHRIST, those who are spiritually DEAD -- and REgenerates them aNEW INto CHRIST, with a NEW Heart, a NEW Mind, a NEW Disposition towards loving, worshiping, serving GOD.
'IF anyone is IN CHRIST -- that is, grafted IN, joined to Him by FAITH IN Him as LORD and Savior -- he is a NEW creature (REborn and REnewed by The Holy SPIRIT); the OLD things (the previous moral and spiritual condition) have passed away. Behold -- NEW things have come (because of SPIRITual awakening brings a NEW Life)' (2 Corinthians 5:17, AMP).
'CHRIST, Who IS our LIFE' (Colossians 3:4)
The LORD of GLORY, CHRIST JESUS Himself -- GOD The SON -- IS "the Source... the Substance... the Sustenance... the Solace... the Object... the Exemplar... the Crown" of our very LIFE! \o/ (excerpt from CH Spurgeon's Morning and Evening)
The Born-AGAIN from Above are to ascribe ALL GLORY to GOD -- The ONE TRUE Living TRIune Sovereign GOD; and to personally, experientially enJOY intimate and infinite Fellowship with Him forEVERmore! \o/
The Risen LORD of GLORY -- CHRIST JESUS Himself -- proclaimed: 'ALL Authority (ALL Power of ABSULUTE Rule) in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. GO, therefore, and make disciples of ALL the nations (help the people LEARN of Me, BELIEVE IN Me, and OBEY My Words), baptizing them in the Name of The FATHER and of The SON and of The Holy SPIRIT -- teaching them to observe EVERYthing that I have commanded you. And lo, I AM with you ALWAYS (remaining with you perpetually -- regardless of circumstance, and on EVERY occasion), EVEN to the END of the Age' (Matthew 28:18-20, AMP).
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