Sunday, February 21, 2021

Authentic CHRISTians Gladly Serve GOD

'IF it is disagreeable in your sight to serve The LORD, choose for yourselves TOday whom you will serve -- whether the gods which your fathers served...  or the whose land you are living -- but as for me and my house, we will serve The LORD.' (Joshua 24:15) 

i've chosen to serve The LORD -- The One TRUE Living GOD Who canNOT lie, who is The Just JUDGE of His creatures, Who acts with INfinite WISDOM, INcomprehensible LOVE, UNchanging HOLINESS and INfallible TRUTH.

i've chosen to serve The GOD Who gives the Breath of LIFE to ALL (whether yet inside the womb or outside), Who is SOVEREIGN Ruler of the destiny of ALL creation. i've chosen to serve The GOD of Law and Order, not of chaos and rebellion -- The GOD of The Holy Scriptures Whose written WORD is INfallible TRUTH revealed and to be obeyed.

i've chosen to serve The GOD Who SO ABOMINATES ALL SIN and yet SO LOVED sin-natured, utterly helpless, PRIDE-dominated doers of SIN that HE commissioned HIS One and Only SON to be The CHRIST Who died for the SINs of the world and Who is RISEN from the Dead so that repentant SIN-doers may be forgiven and quickened ALIVE to divine EVERlasting SPIRITual LIFE that is a GIFT from GOD Himself.

The GOD i am privileged to serve TOday is my Almighty FATHER Who lives in the UNapproachable LIGHT of His Heavenly KINGdom, Whose very SON JESUS The CHRIST declared The REALITY: 'I AM The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE. NO ONE comes to The FATHER except THROUGH Me' (John 14:6).

'The LORD  ​— ​The LORD is a Compassionate and Gracious GOD, slow to anger and ABOUNDING in FAITHful LOVE and TRUTH, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, FORGIVING Iniquity, Rebellion, and Sin. BUT He will NOT leave the GUILTY UNpunished, bringing the fathers’ iniquity on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.' (Exodus 34:6-7)

The LORD i serve is a GOOD GOD. His GOODness is what is "admirable, attractive, praiseworthy -- ALL His moral Perfections, His Generosity, His Mercy, His Grace, His LOVE. HE is The LORD Jehovah, The I AM What I AM, The SOVEREIGN Savior -- Compassionate and Gracious, slow to anger, ABOUNDING in LOVE and Faithfulness, maintaining LOVE to thousands and FORGIVING wickedness, rebellion and SIN. YET He does NOT leave the GUILTY UNpunished."

The LORD GOD i serve is 100% PERFECT in ALL His GOODnesses -- "His TRUTHfulness and TRUSTworthiness, His UNfailing Justice and Wisdom, His Tenderness, Forbearance and ENTIRE Adequacy to ALL who penitently seek His Help, His NOBLE Kindness in offering Believers the EXALTED Destiny of Fellowship with Him in Holiness and LOVE... GOD NEVER COMES SHORT of the GOODNESS to which HE has laid claim." (notes from J.I. Packer's "Knowing GOD" p.161)

Who do YOU serve TOday? god of SELF... the gods of THIS world... the father of lies that is the Devil? OR do you NOW serve GOD IN CHRIST JESUS?