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WHY did GOD The SON, The LORD of GLORY, leave His heavenly Kingdom of LIGHT to come down to this corrupt, evil world of Darkness? To glorify GOD, The FATHER of GLORY. WHY did GOD The FATHER and GOD The SON send GOD The Holy SPIRIT into this fallen world? To glorify CHRIST JESUS, The SON of GOD and SON of Man. "WHAT is the chief end of man? To glorify GOD (The ONE TRUE Living TRIune SOVEREIGN: Creator-Sustainer-Controller of The Universe) and to enJOY Him forEVERmore" (The Westminster Confession of Faith).
HOW did GOD The SON glorify GOD The FATHER? By fully succeeding in the Work of REDEMPTION that The FATHER sent Him to do -- by fulfilling ALL that GOD required for the Redemption of SIN-natured SIN-doers like you, like me. As SON of Man, JESUS was born of a virgin, a real Human Who lived a perfectly sinless, blameless, righteous earthly life. As The Anointed HOLY ONE sent of GOD, CHRIST is The LORD and SAVIOR of those who would REPENT of their SINs, who would TRUST IN Him, in His Sacrificial DEATH at Calvary's CROSS to PAY-IN-FULL the JUST penalty and JUST punishment for SIN-natured SIN-doers like you, like me (see Philippians 2:6-8).
HOW did GOD The FATHER glorify GOD The SON -- CHRIST JESUS? By approving of CHRIST JESUS' own BLOOD-Payment to redeem LOST sinners; by raising JESUS CHRIST from the Grave and seating The Risen LORD JESUS at the Right Hand of The MOST HIGH. 'GOD also highly exalted CHRIST JESUS, and bestowed on Him The NAME which is ABOVE EVERY NAME, so that at THE Name of JESUS EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in Heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, to the GLORY of GOD The FATHER' (Philippians 2:9-11).
HOW does The Holy SPIRIT sent of GOD The FATHER and of GOD The SON glorify The Risen LORD JESUS? By testifying about The LORD JESUS; by applying the INfinite riches of GOD's superabounding GRACE paid for by the Precious BLOOD of CHRIST JESUS for those born-again of GOD; by conforming the 2xborn Believers into the image of CHRIST, The SON of GOD (John 15:26; Ephesians 1:3-14; Romans 8:29).
CHRIST JESUS, The LORD of GLORY, communing with GOD The FATHER of GLORY, said: "I AM glorified in them" (John 17:10). "THEM" are those who have repented of their SINs and have believed the GOOD News of SALVATION, who've admitted to GOD that they are indeed helpless, hopeless SIN-natured SIN-doers, needing His merciful FORGIVENESS for their rebellious sins against The MOST HOLY GOD. "THEM" are those who have humbly acknowledged that they are SAVED from EVERlasting HELL by the GRACE of GOD alone, through FAITH alone, IN CHRIST alone.
So then -- HOW do we (who are IN CHRIST, who are born again from Above, who are NOW the adopted children of GOD) glorify our Beloved LORD and SAVIOR, CHRIST JESUS? By being a "LIVING PROOF of the FACT that The LORD JESUS CHRIST has finished the Work which His FATHER sent Him to do" (Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, "Safe In The World" p.94).
Are we manifesting to the world the finished Work of CHRIST -- that we have been quickened ALIVE spiritually, living OUTwardly HIS Resurrection Life IN us, walking by HIS Light so that we do not stumble in Darkness? Are we repenting DAILY of our daily stumbling? Are we proving to the world by our Life-101 the literal TRUTH that 'CHRIST is the POWER of GOD, and the WISDOM of GOD' (1 Corinthians 1:23-24)? Are we who are the REDEEMED proving to the world that The LORD JESUS CHRIST has been made Wisdom, and Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption (1 Cor 1:30) IN us, and that to us individually -- HE is THE ALL in all?
Are we hungering and thirsting for the SPIRITual nourishment of The Word of GOD? Is GOD's Written VOICE speaking into our hearts, illuminating our minds with the very Thoughts of GOD? Are we eager to meet with GOD with unceasing adoration and loving fellowship with Him through our prayers, so that we may be granted the GRACE of KNOWing Him more intimately and experientially as GOD reveals Himself to us personally?
Are we demonstrating to the world of our NEW position IN CHRIST -- that we have been 'rescued from the Authority/Dominion of Darkness, and transferred to the Kingdom of The SON of GOD's LOVE' (Colossians 1:13)? "Are we a LIVING PROOF and example that the tremendous POWER of The SON of GOD has literally taken hold of us and transferred us into the Kingdom of GOD's dear SON?" (MLJ, p.96) Do our lifestyle, mindset, and worldview reflect our NEW citizenship in GOD's Heaven?
Are we glorifying our LORD JESUS by confidently KNOWing that ALL our SINs have been forgiven by the efficacy of His ATONING Death? Are we showing the UNfathomable PEACE of GOD withIN that flows from having PEACE With GOD (Who was IN CHRIST, reconciling sinners back to Himself, 2 Cor 5:19)? Are we rejoicing IN The LORD, even when assailed with trials that are but common to all humankind living in this fallen world (see James 1:2)?
Are we running after the Holiness of GOD? Are we proving our SALVATION from the Power of SIN by no longer practicing or immersing ourselves in that sinful lifestyle that we were rescued from? Are we mortifying our UNredeemed Flesh by the SUPERnatural emPOWERment of The Holy SPIRIT withIN? Are we becoming more aware of the subtlety of SIN and is hatred of our own SINs increasing? Are we resisting the devil and overcoming temptations?
Are we LIVING PROOF that we have the Promised Holy SPIRIT living IN us -- leading, teaching, controlling, conforming us into more and more CHRIST-likeness (Romans 8:14-17, 29)? Is the INdwelling SPIRIT growing and maturing His Fruit of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL (Galatians 5:22-23), as well as The SPIRIT's Fruit 'in all GOODNESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and TRUTH' (Ephesians 5:9)?
Our LORD JESUS Himself declared to our Heavenly FATHER that "IN THEM" (who belonged to The FATHER and were given to The SON) -- "I AM GLORIFIED" (John 17:10). We IN CHRIST are the special LOVE-gifts from The FATHER to His ONE and ONLY Begotten SON; and we have been given the SUPERLATIVE privilege of being part of glorifying The GODhead. As for me -- "i am one of a people in the world today through whom CHRIST is glorified. i am NOT here for mySELF, or for ANYthing i want to do -- the Main Thing for me this day is that CHRIST should be glorified and praised in me" (MLJ, p.104).
Are you a LIVING PROOF of the FACT that The LORD JESUS CHRIST has finished the Work which His FATHER sent Him to do? \o/
(This blogpost was developed from my notes from the book's chapter, "Manifesting the Work of CHRIST.")
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