Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Seven for 2010 -- Open HERE


  1. Last Sunday morning, i asked GOD what He wanted me to do that day. His immediate answer was through Scripture, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." (Mark 6:31) And from my "Word for Today Journal" -- the day's note said: "We all need times to get away to spend time alone with the LORD. Sometimes we just need to get away for a while to hear GOD speak."

    So i obeyed His voice...and GOD spoke to me through His skies, His sunset, His creation...

  2. WOW!, you such a grea photographer. I mostly like the photo of the sunset.

  3. Thanks, Gauteng :) i merely recorded the Artist's work. He's the real Master behind these photos.

    Thank you very much for adding yourself on the followers' list :D
