"This Believer did NOT always LIVE to CHRIST. She began to do so when GOD The Holy SPIRIT convinced her of SIN and, when by GRACE, she was brought to SEE the dying SAVIOR making a PROPITIATION for her guilt. From the moment of the NEW and Celestial REbirth, she began to LIVE to CHRIST.
"JESUS IS to this Believer -- THE One PEARL of Great Price, for Whom she is made SPIRITually willing to part with ALL that she has. CHRIST JESUS has SO completely won her LOVE, that it beats alone for HIM. To CHRIST's GLORY, she would LIVE -- and in defense of HIS Gospel, she would DIE. Her Beloved LORD JESUS IS The PATTERN of her NEW Life, and The MODEL after which she would sculpture her REgenerated Character by the SUPERnatural Holy SPIRIT withIN.
"The AIM and END of this Believer's Life IS CHRIST — nay, her very Life itself IS JESUS. In the words of an ancient saint -- she eats, drinks, and sleeps GOD's Eternal, Divine LIFE. Her Beloved JESUS IS her very Breath, The SOUL of her very Soul, The HEART of her very Heart, The LIFE of her very Life.
"CAN this Believer say, AS a professing CHRISTian, that she LIVEs up to this idea? CAN she honestly say -- 'for me to LIVE IS CHRIST'? Is she living her daily Life-101 FOR CHRIST? Is it not done for SELF-aggrandisement and for family advantage? Does she ask, "Is that a mean reason, a SELFish motive?" For this CHRISTian it is. She professes to LIVE for CHRIST -- how can she LIVE for ANOTHER Object without committing a spiritual ADULTERY?
"YET, for this 2X-Born Believer, CHRIST JESUS alone IS her TRUE LIFE. The LORDGODSPIRIT IS her LIFE-Source, her LIFE-Sustenance, her LIFE-Design, her LIFE-End, ALL gathered up in ONE altogether Lovely WORD — CHRIST JESUS! HalleluYAH!
"FatherGOD -- Thank YOU for accepting me just as i am -- Through CHRIST JESUS, The Sacrificial LAMB. Thank YOU for making me Your beloved daughter -- IN CHRIST, The LION of Judah, THE Risen LORD. Thank YOU for making me a citizen of Your heavenly Kingdom of GL0RY -- through Your SON CHRIST JESUS, The KING of GLORY.
"LORDGODSPIRIT -- i here present myself to YOU today (1/7/25), praying that by the emPOWERing, SUPERnatural Work of The Holy SPIRIT withIN -- LIVE ONLY IN YOU and TO YOU. LET me be as YOU Will -- to WORK for Your GLORY or to be SACRIFICED for Your GLORY. LET my Life-Motto be: READY FOR EITHER."
(CH Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, 1/7/a.m. -- personalized)