Wednesday, January 8, 2025


"This Believer did NOT always LIVE to CHRIST. She began to do so when GOD The Holy SPIRIT convinced her of SIN and, when by GRACE, she was brought to SEE the dying SAVIOR making a PROPITIATION for her guilt. From the moment of the NEW and Celestial REbirth, she began to LIVE to CHRIST. 

"JESUS IS to this Believer -- THE One PEARL of Great Price, for Whom she is made SPIRITually willing to part with ALL that she has. CHRIST JESUS has SO completely won her LOVE, that it beats alone for HIM. To CHRIST's GLORY, she would LIVE -- and in defense of HIS Gospel, she would DIE. Her Beloved LORD JESUS IS The PATTERN of her NEW Life, and The MODEL after which she would sculpture her REgenerated Character by the SUPERnatural Holy SPIRIT withIN. 

"The AIM and END of this Believer's Life IS CHRIST — nay, her very Life itself IS JESUS. In the words of an ancient saint -- she eats, drinks, and sleeps GOD's Eternal, Divine LIFE. Her Beloved JESUS IS her very Breath, The SOUL of her very Soul, The HEART of her very Heart, The LIFE of her very Life. 

"CAN this Believer say, AS a professing CHRISTian, that she LIVEs up to this idea? CAN she honestly say -- 'for me to LIVE IS CHRIST'? Is she living her daily Life-101 FOR CHRIST? Is it not done for SELF-aggrandisement and for family advantage? Does she ask, "Is that a mean reason, a SELFish motive?" For this CHRISTian it is. She professes to LIVE for CHRIST -- how can she LIVE for ANOTHER Object without committing a spiritual ADULTERY?

"YET, for this 2X-Born Believer, CHRIST JESUS alone IS her TRUE LIFE. The LORDGODSPIRIT IS her LIFE-Source, her LIFE-Sustenance, her LIFE-Design, her LIFE-End, ALL gathered up in ONE altogether Lovely WORD — CHRIST JESUS! HalleluYAH!

"FatherGOD -- Thank YOU for accepting me just as i am -- Through CHRIST JESUS, The Sacrificial LAMB. Thank YOU for making me Your beloved daughter -- IN CHRIST, The LION of Judah, THE Risen LORD. Thank YOU for making me a citizen of Your heavenly Kingdom of GL0RY -- through Your SON CHRIST JESUS, The KING of GLORY. 

"LORDGODSPIRIT -- i here present myself to YOU today (1/7/25), praying that by the emPOWERing, SUPERnatural Work of The Holy SPIRIT withIN -- LIVE ONLY IN YOU and TO YOU. LET me be as YOU Will -- to WORK for Your GLORY or to be SACRIFICED for Your GLORY. LET my Life-Motto be: READY FOR EITHER."
(CH Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, 1/7/a.m. -- personalized)

Saturday, December 7, 2024

The WHY of CHRISTmas

The HOLY Day celebrated at this time of year is CHRISTmas -- the First ADVENT of GOD The SON, The CHRIST -- MESSIAH JESUS. The FIRST Coming of The LORD JESUS is HIStory -- a FACTual Event in human history. The prophet Micah prophesied The MESSIAH's Birth in Bethlehem 700 years before its fulfillment. CHRIST's actual coming to earth was the CRUCIAL event that divided world history, from B.C. (Before CHRIST) to A.D. (Anno Domini -- the year of The LORD).

GOD's Holy Scriptures details the REALity of CHRIST's Birth: 'And Mary gave birth to her Firstborn SON; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger (feed trough), because there was no place for them in the inn' (Luke 2:7).

But WHY did 'GOD send forth His SON -- born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might REDEEM those who were under the Law' (Galatians 4:4) -- in the most particular way and very deliberate manner that He orchestrated the FACTs of CHRISTmas? 

WHY was the Eternal SON of GOD SUPERnaturally born of a virgin (Luke 1:26-35) -- rather than the natural way, with an earthly father and mother? WHY was JESUS born of the ordinary maiden Mary -- rather than born of a great queen? WHY was HE born in a stable, with sheltering animals, and laid in a feed trough with straw as His crib -- rather than a palatial, magnificent mansion, like Mar-a-Lago?

WHY was The LORD of GLORY born into a "blue-collar" family -- rather than into wealth and luxury, like a Barron Trump? WHY did GOD's SON when He lived in this world, live such a HUMBLE Life -- rather than the POWERFUL life of the likes of Elon Musk? WHY did He work as a carpenter, of the working class -- rather than as a great philosopher, like the much-lauded Jordan Peterson?

WHY the familiar FACTs of CHRISTmas, as detailed in the Gospels? WHY did GOD very deliberately orchestrate CHRIST JESUS' Birth in THIS manner? In Isaiah 55:9, IT IS WRITTEN -- 'For AS the Heavens are higher than the earth, SO are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.' CHRIST's FIRST Coming "stands in direct opposition to the PRIDE, POMP, and OUTward show of FALLEN Humanity" (Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones).

In this thought-provoking CHRISTmas message ("As Little Children"), Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that the First Coming of The SON of GOD in the manner that GOD ordained -- CONDEMNS the world. 

"JESUS' Birth CONDEMNS humanity's HOPELESS and HELPLESS state due to SIN. HIS Birth shows we NEED a SAVIOR. JESUS' HUMBLE Birth CONDEMNS our PRIDE in humanity and belief that WE can solve our own problems. JESUS' Birth CONDEMNS our belief in OUTWARD Appearances, Splendor and MATERIALISM. TRUE greatness is SPIRITual -- NOT material.

"JESUS' Birth CONDEMNS our belief in Wealth and Money AS Power. HE was born into poverty. JESUS' Birth CONDEMNS our belief in Strength, Might and Power. HE came as a HELPLESS Baby. JESUS' Birth CONDEMNS our belief in HUMAN Wisdom and Philosophy. HE was a carpenter -- NOT an academic.

"JESUS' Birth TEACHES us GOD's Ways are NOT our ways.  We must think SPIRITually -- NOT materially. JESUS' Birth TEACHES us OUTWARD appearances DON'T matter -- the heart and spirit DO. JESUS' Birth TEACHES us MATERIAL values DON'T matter -- SPIRITual values DO. JESUS' Birth TEACHES us Time DOESN'T matter -- Eternity DOES.

"JESUS' Birth TEACHES us our Weakness DOESN'T matter -- GOD's POWER DOES. SALVATION is THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST -- NOT our OWN efforts. JESUS' Birth TEACHES us our RELATIONSHIP with GOD is MOST important -- NOT our circumstances. We must seek FIRST GOD's Kingdom. To enter GOD's Kingdom, we MUST become AS children, be Born AGAIN, abandon PRIDE in SELF and TRUST IN GOD. We will then become GOD's Heirs."

(The personal notes and above material in quotes are from the SERMON BREAKDOWN of MLJ's CHRISTmas sermon -- at

Saturday, August 10, 2024


GOD's Holy Word says that people OUTside of CHRIST have NO light, NO understanding, NO true KNOWledge of The ONE TRUE Living TRIune Sovereign GOD Who created ALL things from NOthing. GOD's Holy Scriptures state that people OUTside of CHRIST live their lives 'in the futility of their MINDs and in the foolishness and emptiness of their souls, for their moral understanding is darkened and their reasoning is clouded.' IT IS WRITTEN that people OUTside of CHRIST 'are alienated and self-banished from the Life of GOD, with NO share in it, because of the willful ignorance and spiritual BLINDness that is DEEP-seated withIN them, because of the HARDness and INsensitivity of their HEARTs' (Ephesians 4:17-18, AMP).

GOD's own special Possessions IN CHRIST are the 2Xborn IN The LIGHT. These Children of The LIGHT are those who -- by GOD's GRACE alone, through FAITH alone, INto CHRIST alone -- were transferred from the kingdom of Darkness into The Kingdom of GOD's marvelous LIGHT. (see 1 Peter 2:9)

IN CHRIST JESUS 'was Life and the POWER to bestow Life and the Life was The LIGHT of men. And The LIGHT shines on in the Darkness, and the Darkness did NOT understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it or overtake it and is UNreceptive to it' (John 1:4-5, AMP)

People withOUT CHRIST are STILL in Darkness -- STILL in their NATURAL state of being SIN-natured SIN-doers who are alienated, separated from the LIFE of GOD, and UNable to pursue what is good and right in GOD's HOLY Sight. But the chosen People of GOD have CHRIST withIN and have been GRACEd with SPIRITual sight to see -- to understand, to know The TRUTH, Who is Himself The LIGHT of the world. The elect People IN CHRIST see the Light of TRUTH and are partakers in The Divine LIFE. (read 2 Peter 1:4)

"The effects of the FALL of Adam and Eve extend to EVERY aspect of Humanity. It corrupts the Mind, hardens the Heart, distorts the Will... we NEED a NEW Heart and Mind that is freed from the mastery of SIN and its domination" (see sermon description of "Darkness and Light" by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, 

The GOOD News is that Repentant SIN-natured SIN-doers may receive FREEDOM from the penalty and punishment of their SINs through the Gospel of GRACE and the SOVEREIGN working of The Holy SPIRIT. The SPIRIT of GOD quickens ALIVE those who are withOUT CHRIST, those who are spiritually DEAD -- and REgenerates them aNEW INto CHRIST, with a NEW Heart, a NEW Mind, a NEW Disposition towards loving, worshiping, serving GOD.

'IF anyone is IN CHRIST -- that is, grafted IN, joined to Him by FAITH IN Him as LORD and Savior -- he is a NEW creature (REborn and REnewed by The Holy SPIRIT); the OLD things (the previous moral and spiritual condition) have passed away. Behold -- NEW things have come (because of SPIRITual awakening brings a NEW Life)' (2 Corinthians 5:17, AMP).

'CHRIST, Who IS our LIFE' (Colossians 3:4)
The LORD of GLORY, CHRIST JESUS Himself -- GOD The SON -- IS "the Source... the Substance... the Sustenance... the Solace... the Object... the Exemplar... the Crown" of our very LIFE! \o/ (excerpt from CH Spurgeon's Morning and Evening)

The Born-AGAIN from Above are to ascribe ALL GLORY to GOD -- The ONE TRUE Living TRIune Sovereign GOD; and to personally, experientially enJOY intimate and infinite Fellowship with Him forEVERmore! \o/

The Risen LORD of GLORY -- CHRIST JESUS Himself -- proclaimed: 'ALL Authority (ALL Power of ABSULUTE Rule) in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. GO, therefore, and make disciples of ALL the nations (help the people LEARN of Me, BELIEVE IN Me, and OBEY My Words), baptizing them in the Name of The FATHER and of The SON and of The Holy SPIRIT -- teaching them to observe EVERYthing that I have commanded you. And lo, I AM with you ALWAYS (remaining with you perpetually -- regardless of circumstance, and on EVERY occasion), EVEN to the END of the Age' (Matthew 28:18-20, AMP).

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

rLn's TESTIMONY 2024

TOday, i KNOW (intellectually AND experientially) The ONE TRUE Living TRIune GOD Who is THE Creator and Owner of HIS Universe -- ALL things visible and ALL things INvisible! And because i am HIS, dependent upon HIM for each and every breath, for my very existence -- i owe GOD my total allegiance, committed to gladly obeying HIS revealed Will, as recorded in His HOLY Word, The Bible. i KNOW this Sovereign GOD as my Holy FATHER, as my Beloved LORD JESUS and MESSIAH, as my INdwelling SPIRIT of TRUTH, HOLY Comforter and Helper. HalleluYAH! \o/

BUT before August 2003, in rebellious PRIDE -- i was senselessly DISobedient of GOD's  Commandments (whether in thought or word or actual DOing). i broke GOD's HOLY Laws for godly and righteous living. i bowed my knee to my fleshly idols of SELF-Focus, SELF-Pleasure, SELF-Pride.

i was BORN with a sinFULL nature -- a SIN-natured SIN-doer. GOD's TRUTH described my Natural SELF before GOD interrupted my HELL-bound spiral INto EVERlasting PUNISHMENT. GOD's Word says: “The ACTS of the SINful NATURE are obvious -- SEXual IMmorality...debauchery, IDOLatry, witchcraft, hatred, jealousy, fits of rage, SELFish ambition, envy...' Through GOD's TRUTH, i was convicted: 'that SINCE i lived like THAT, i will NOT inherit the Kingdom of GOD!' (Romans 3:10; Galatians 5:19-21)

From the ABUNDANCE of my sinFULL Heart, came forth UNwholesome words, bitterness, anger, greed, gossip, malice, impure motives --  LIES! GOD's Word convicted me of the REALity of my Heart: HOW deceitFULL it IS above ALL things, HOW desperately SICK! i WAS a LOST, helpless, hopeless SINNER -- choosing to do my OWN will instead of doing GOD's Will, choosing to please MY own SELF instead of pleasing GOD, choosing to glory in MY own SELF instead of ascribing ALL GLORY to GOD! (Matthew 12:34; Jeremiah 17:9)

i WAS part of the Walking DEAD -- physically alive, BUT spiritually DEAD! i WAS part of THAT UNsaved Humanity -- 'the cowardly and UNbelieving and detestable, murderers, the sexually IMmoral, sorcerers, IDOLaters, and ALL liars, whose part will be in the Lake of FIRE, which is the Second DEATH' -- EVERlasting HELL. (Ephesians 2:1; Revelation 21:8)

BUT in 2003, GOD IN CHRIST by The Holy SPIRIT's SUPERnatural LIFE-giving POWER, quickened ALIVE my DEAD spirit by REgenerating me aNEW, REbirthing me by GOD's GRACE alone -- by gifting me with REPENTANCE, with a NEW heart to LOVE GOD and others, a NEW mind -- SET on His WORD of TRUTH; with a NEW Disposition of glad OBEDIENCE to HIS Commands. GOD reconciled me back to a LOVE-Relationship with Himself THROUGH and IN CHRIST. i was made a NEW creation, the OLD things that were of MErlin have passed away; and, as rLn -- GOD's NEW things have SUPERabundantly come! \o/ (2 Corinthians 5:17, 19)

TOday, my personal REALity is this -- 'to LIVE IS CHRIST and to DIE IS superlative GAIN!' Because my Beloved LORD JESUS DIED in my place to pay IN-FULL the Price of DEATH for my SINs; because The Holy SPIRIT joined me INto CHRIST's Body; because my Holy FATHER chose me as one of His LOVE-Gifts to His ONE and ONLY Begotten SON -- i am NO LONGER under GOD's Condemnation, NO LONGER under His WRATH, NO LONGER bound for EVERlasting HELL! \o/ (Philippians 1:21; Romans 8:1)

i KNOW (intellectually AND experientially) that i am enABLEd by The Holy SPIRIT withIN to LOVE sacrificially -- that GOD causes ALL things to work together for my GOOD, because GOD PREdestined me to be conformed to the Image of His SON, CHRIST JESUS, The PREEMINENT Firstborn; and like The Risen LORD JESUS -- i also SHALL be glorified: spirit, soul AND body! \o/ (Romans 5:5; 8:28-30)

i KNOW that i was not REDEEMED with corruptible things like silver or gold, BUT with the Precious BLOOD of CHRIST -- born AGAIN through the LIVING and ENDURING Word of GOD. GOD's GRACE is ALWAYS sufficient for ALL my circumstances, for HIS SUPERnatural POWER is perfected in my weaknesses. For united with CHRIST, by the ALL-Mighty SPIRIT working withIN, both to WILL and to DO -- i am emPOWERed to do ALL things through CHRIST Who strengthens me. \o/ (1 Peter 1:18-19, 23; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Philippians 2:13, 4:13)

i KNOW that my 2xborn soul is wholly GOD's Workmanship, REcreated IN CHRIST JESUS for good works, which GOD my FATHER prepared beforehand so that i would walk in them. i am a citizen of GOD's Kingdom, with a GLORIOUS Inheritance awaiting me. Surely -- i am a child of GOD because The Holy SPIRIT withIN leads me to follow hard after CHRIST, conforming me more and more INto CHRIST's likeness, so that i may BE to the Praise of The GLORY of CHRIST -- my ALL IN ALL! \o/ (Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 3:20; Romans 8:14, 29; Ephesians 1:12)

i KNOW that NO one and NO thing can EVER separate me from the LOVE of CHRIST JESUS. NO affliction, turmoil, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword! i am FULLY convinced that NEITHER Death, Life, angels, rulers, things present, things to come, powers, height, depth, NOR ANY OTHER created thing, will EVER separate me from the LOVE of GOD, which is IN CHRIST JESUS, my Beloved LORD! \o/ (Romans 8:38-39)

Therefore -- the ONE THING i do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching, STRAINING forward to what lies ahead, i PRESS ON -- one day at a time, one step at a time -- with ALL my Soul, Heart, Mind and Strength toward the Goal of CHRIST-likeness: The PRIZE of the UPward call of GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. For i have been crucified with CHRIST, and it is NO LONGER i who live -- but CHRIST lives IN me. And the LIFE which i NOW live in the flesh, i live by FAITH IN The SON of GOD, Who LOVED me and GAVE Himself up for me. \o/ (Philippians 3:13; Galatians 2:20)

BLESS The LORD JESUS! ALL that is withIN me -- BLESS HIS HOLY Name! BLESS The GOD and FATHER of my Beloved JESUS, Who has blessed me with EVERY spiritual blessing in the Heavenly Places IN CHRIST! BLESS The SPIRIT of TRUTH, my HOLY Comforter and Source of LIVING Water! BLESS The ONE TRUE Living TRIune Sovereign GODFor by GOD's GRACE alone, through FAITH alone, IN CHRIST alone -- i am a Child of GOD forEVERmore! \o/ (Ephesians 2:8)