"This Believer did NOT always LIVE to CHRIST. She began to do so when GOD The Holy SPIRIT convinced her of SIN and, when by GRACE, she was brought to SEE the dying SAVIOR making a PROPITIATION for her guilt. From the moment of the NEW and Celestial REbirth, she began to LIVE to CHRIST.
r L n -- really LOVE now!
Fully Devoted Follower of CHRIST JESUS
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Saturday, December 7, 2024
The WHY of CHRISTmas
The HOLY Day celebrated at this time of year is CHRISTmas -- the First ADVENT of GOD The SON, The CHRIST -- MESSIAH JESUS. The FIRST Coming of The LORD JESUS is HIStory -- a FACTual Event in human history. The prophet Micah prophesied The MESSIAH's Birth in Bethlehem 700 years before its fulfillment. CHRIST's actual coming to earth was the CRUCIAL event that divided world history, from B.C. (Before CHRIST) to A.D. (Anno Domini -- the year of The LORD).
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
rLn's TESTIMONY 2024
TOday, i KNOW (intellectually AND experientially) The ONE TRUE Living TRIune GOD Who is THE Creator and Owner of HIS Universe -- ALL things visible and ALL things INvisible! And because i am HIS, dependent upon HIM for each and every breath, for my very existence -- i owe GOD my total allegiance, committed to gladly obeying HIS revealed Will, as recorded in His HOLY Word, The Bible. i KNOW this Sovereign GOD as my Holy FATHER, as my Beloved LORD JESUS and MESSIAH, as my INdwelling SPIRIT of TRUTH, HOLY Comforter and Helper. HalleluYAH! \o/
BUT before August 2003, in rebellious PRIDE -- i was senselessly DISobedient of GOD's Commandments (whether in thought or word or actual DOing). i broke GOD's HOLY Laws for godly and righteous living. i bowed my knee to my fleshly idols of SELF-Focus, SELF-Pleasure, SELF-Pride.
i was BORN with a sinFULL nature -- a SIN-natured SIN-doer. GOD's TRUTH described my Natural SELF before GOD interrupted my HELL-bound spiral INto EVERlasting PUNISHMENT. GOD's Word says: “The ACTS of the SINful NATURE are obvious -- SEXual IMmorality...debauchery, IDOLatry, witchcraft, hatred, jealousy, fits of rage, SELFish ambition, envy...' Through GOD's TRUTH, i was convicted: 'that SINCE i lived like THAT, i will NOT inherit the Kingdom of GOD!' (Romans 3:10; Galatians 5:19-21)
From the ABUNDANCE of my sinFULL Heart, came forth UNwholesome words, bitterness, anger, greed, gossip, malice, impure motives -- LIES! GOD's Word convicted me of the REALity of my Heart: HOW deceitFULL it IS above ALL things, HOW desperately SICK! i WAS a LOST, helpless, hopeless SINNER -- choosing to do my OWN will instead of doing GOD's Will, choosing to please MY own SELF instead of pleasing GOD, choosing to glory in MY own SELF instead of ascribing ALL GLORY to GOD! (Matthew 12:34; Jeremiah 17:9)
i WAS part of the Walking DEAD -- physically alive, BUT spiritually DEAD! i WAS part of THAT UNsaved Humanity -- 'the cowardly and UNbelieving and detestable, murderers, the sexually IMmoral, sorcerers, IDOLaters, and ALL liars, whose part will be in the Lake of FIRE, which is the Second DEATH' -- EVERlasting HELL. (Ephesians 2:1; Revelation 21:8)
BUT in 2003, GOD IN CHRIST by The Holy SPIRIT's SUPERnatural LIFE-giving POWER, quickened ALIVE my DEAD spirit by REgenerating me aNEW, REbirthing me by GOD's GRACE alone -- by gifting me with REPENTANCE, with a NEW heart to LOVE GOD and others, a NEW mind -- SET on His WORD of TRUTH; with a NEW Disposition of glad OBEDIENCE to HIS Commands. GOD reconciled me back to a LOVE-Relationship with Himself THROUGH and IN CHRIST. i was made a NEW creation, the OLD things that were of MErlin have passed away; and, as rLn -- GOD's NEW things have SUPERabundantly come! \o/ (2 Corinthians 5:17, 19)
TOday, my personal REALity is this -- 'to LIVE IS CHRIST and to DIE IS superlative GAIN!' Because my Beloved LORD JESUS DIED in my place to pay IN-FULL the Price of DEATH for my SINs; because The Holy SPIRIT joined me INto CHRIST's Body; because my Holy FATHER chose me as one of His LOVE-Gifts to His ONE and ONLY Begotten SON -- i am NO LONGER under GOD's Condemnation, NO LONGER under His WRATH, NO LONGER bound for EVERlasting HELL! \o/ (Philippians 1:21; Romans 8:1)